Natalie Egger


Country: Austria

Natalie Egger, Austrian artist engaged in different creative fields such as photography, digital art and fine arts. Her urge to express what is inside herself forces her to seek outside usually by finding patterns , structures or perspectives by coincidence while strolling through the city of Vienna and making pictures of these random encounters. This photo material is the basis for her way to evolve an artwork. This process gives her a strong feeling of being connected to the outer self but as well a deep connection to her inner self as during the process of making artworks Natalie is guided by an inner force navigating her to the outcome of the respective artwork.

"Chlorophyll graffiti", 2023, digital art, photography, print on paper, 50x70

"Allium schoenoprasum conchae", 2023, digital art, photo, print on canvas, 60x80 cm

"Leafy Medusa", 2023, digital art, photo, pencil drawing, print on paper, 1/1, 50x70

"Breakthrough, 2023, digital art, photo, print on canvas, 1/1, 60x80 cm

"Wondering I", 2021, acrylic on canvas, 50x70 cm

"Viridis", acrylic on canvas, 2023, 50x70 cm

«Female dancer», 2022 (colour-) pencil drawing, 36x28cm

«Lilaque», 2022 (colour-)pencil drawing, 36x28cm


Anamaria Cepoi
