Country: Kuwait

Name: altaf al alli Date of Birth: 18/7/1981 Place of Birth: state of kuwait Childhood: Pure talents in coloring and water colors is what they say about the artists creations between family and friends. Later in school art subject was a life changing experience for the artist crossing the path of extremely shy to a shinning star. Winning the hearts of all witnessing original creativity bloom , after the war 1991 on Kuwait it is life for the artist to just never stop water coloring and exploring mixed media. Adulthood: The artist discovery was pure chance in displaying work among highschool art fair in 1998 that was the first with the general public that added strong views about the artist and her not easy on the eyes art work. Fast track toward a complete change from water colors to acrylics 2001 inspired by the late Jonas Gerard acrylic artist was the point of no return. Interesting Facts: each art work created with mixed media would never be duplicated or created the same , as the artist uses different methods each time an art work is born. Accidental beauties made the process of simple coloring a wonder hurting is also part of it sometimes don’t worry it’s a sweet pain.

blue spirit 70x100 cm acrylics mixed media

freedom 45x65 cm water colors mixed media

tech mix 70x100 cm mixed media acrylics

purple 70x80 cm mixed media all colors

yellow 70x100 mixed media acrylics

rose gold 70x80 cm mixed media acrylics boxed

spring 51 x 100 cm mixed media all colors

vang 70x80 cm mixed media acrylics


Natalie Egger


Aomi Kikuchi