Chaitali.V Purushothaman

CHAITALI. V. PURUSHOTHAMAN is a Multi-Award-Winning Successful Independent Entrepreneur having multiple Careers as a WORLD RENOWNED Professional 30+ Time International Award-Winning High Vibrational Energy shifting Positive Vastu Painter- Energizer, Feng shui Painter, Spiritual Painter, Vastu Consultant and Vastu Corrector for changing, balancing and shifting the Energy of space from low-Negative to high –Positive frequency, Vedic Astrologer, Illustrator, Fashion illustrator, Spiritual Aura Astro Astral Healer - Coach - Mentor, Psychic, Past life Regression Healer, Chakra Therapist Balancer, Trauma Therapist, Therapist for children and Adults, Counsellor, Couple Counsellor and also a Stock Investor and has made an extraordinary mark in all her Fields. She has a clientele based all over the World thus providing customized high frequency Vastu Positive Energy shifting Paintings, Energizers and Correctors, Vastu for clearing Negative Energy and protection from unconscious evil’s eye of home and offices, Healing sessions, Activating Spiritual Portals, Providing Personalised affirmations and meditations to open chakras, therapies for Adults, Couples and Counselling for children. Her Paintings and Energizers are all Vaastu Based with high frequency Positive Energy that acts as a remedy, medium and décor to shift the Energy of Space and also the Energy of human Aura. She is also associated with Art Curators, Interior designers, Decorators and Child Educators for empowering children and Protecting their tender Aura and collective Growth towards individual Success and Evolution.  Apart from being an Elite Décor and Aesthetically balancing spaces, her Paintings and Energizers shift the frequency of the space from low – Negative to High Positive. She is Internationally acclaimed and World Renowned winning 30 + Awards for her Energy Shifting Vastu Paintings and Positive Energizers. One of her Popular Paintings - The 7 White Horses for Success and Peace, a Positive Vastu Energy shifting Painting has been AWARDED “FIRST IN THE WORLD " in "WORLD ART AWARDS" juried by WORLD’S BEST GALLERIES.  She has been Recognised as ONE of the Best High Vibrational Positive Energy shifting Vastu Painters in the World, Best Spiritual Painters, Best Cubist, Best Surrealist, Best fantasy Painters, Best Expressionist Painters, Best Futuristic Painters, Best Impressionists Painters in the WORLD ART AWARDS. SHE HAS ACHIEVED THE HONOUR OF HAVING MOST WINS -11 IN ARGUABLY THE MOST PRESTIGIOUS ART COMPETITION IN THE WORLD AT THE WORLD ART AWARDS WHERE BEST ARTISTS FROM 79 COUNTRIES COMPETED AND WERE JURIED BY WORLD’S BEST GALARIES. She has also been Recognised as ONE of the Best Spiritual Painters in the World, Best Cubist, Best Surrealist, Best fantasy Painters, Best Expressionist Painters in the World juried by the Top Galleries of U.S.A in the Prestigious American Art Award. She has also Won the PRESTIGIOUS “HARMONY FOR HUMANITY – THE GLOBAL CONSCIOUSNESS ART PRIZE” – BY CONTEMPORARY ART COLLECTORS – This Prestigious Prize recognizes Artists who leverage their creative brilliance to ignite a global shift in consciousness, fostering unity, understanding and Positive change. She has also won the GLOBAL ART VIRTUSO: ELITE ARTISTIC CAREER ACHIEVEMENT AWARD and her work has been featured in THE LUXURY COLLECTION of Contemporary Artistry. She has also won MULTIPLE AWARDS in “ART COLLECTORS CHOICE AWARDS “– USA juried by International Art Collectors. She has WON MANY OTHER AWARDS IN SPAIN, CALIFORNIA, ITALY.  She has Also EXHIBITED AT THE PRESTIGIOUS TTAF TOKYO ART FAIR AT THE ICONIC TOKYO TOWER -JAPAN — selected and invited for a virtual Gallery exhibition. Her work has also been Featured in Various Prestigious International Magazines.

Chaitali, you have achieved remarkable success in various fields, from Vaastu painting to spiritual healing and counseling. Can you share what initially inspired you to embark on this multifaceted journey?

Firstly, I am extremely Grateful to the Universal Power Creator for this Journey. There are many Sources of Inspiration that have been a part of my Journey.

As a Child I was Extremely Sensitive and very very Ambitious. This combination led me to become a keen observer of humans around me and increased my Awareness as I sailed through life. I was always sensitive to "ENERGY”. Feeling Comfortable around certain Humans and feeling a little different around certain humans gave a lot of fire to my curiosity. Also since childhood I experienced everyone opening up to me about their lives and problems without any blockages or discomfort. I was always inclined towards understanding human psyche.

Thus My journey was an interesting blend of Intellect – business aspect, Creative aspect and Spiritual aspect. I always sensed Energy-Positive and Negative as a child. Slowly as I Grew up, along with my Education my Spiritual Awareness Grew with Work and Experience, both Personal and Professional. I could always Sense "Vibes" and felt different around few Humans. Sometimes I also felt deep shifts in my own Energy Frequency and thus my Quest towards Spirituality Began. Initially I was choosing this path Unconsciously. It was more like I was driven by my core. And Slowly the Awareness increased and the journey got stronger. As a Child I was hyper Sensitive and extremely “Aware” and sensed energy and emotions of humans. I had a very deep Ambitious Streak in me. Even though I had a strong business mind, I was equally attracted towards creative Ventures. My mind was always connected with the logical and practical side of life and deep Ambition to create strong careers in both Business as well as Creative field. Thus I always worked towards achieving and exploring professional opportunities as I have always believed that achieving helps us Grow and push our boundaries eventually helping us to Excel in our Fields and reaching our Best Selves. The push to get better and better would ignite a deep fire in Me. I started painting from a very young age. Initially painting was about expressing my emotions but slowly I got into the depth of ART. Thus the journey of my Art career started parallel to my other professions being part of businesses, creatively designing Covers and illustrations, stock market investing and simultaneously creating high frequency energy shifting Vastu paintings, Astrology, Vastu Consultant – Energy Correction of Space, Healer, Trauma therapist and other Occult practices.

On the Educational front, I always maintained a balance between my intellect side and creative side by completing Post-Graduation in Business Management from HR College of Commerce & Economics, Mumbai, India and also worked for various Businesses. This gave me a deep insight and first-hand experience to understand how Mental health and Positive Energy- Positive thinking is important to attract Abundance and Success, apart from using intellect and practical skills. I have also Pursued 3 Years Study in Applied Arts from Rachna Sansad college, Mumbai, India which helped me understand the impact of Colours, Typography –energy of words, mastering the Aesthetic balance through colours, layouts and design. Also, I have cleared the Prestigious Elementary and Intermediate Drawing Grade Examination conducted by the Art Directorate of the Government of Maharashtra, India. In addition to all of the above, I have Studied Fashion Illustration Mastering Sketching and fashion Croquets. Spiritually, my training in Shambhavi Mahamudra kriya - an ancient and purifying energy technique of immeasurable transformative power helped me balance and open my Chakras. I have undergone Vigorous Training in Bhava Spandana for my Energy Clearing and blockages. I Practice Kriya Yoga during the Brahma Muhurta time Zone – between 3.30 and 5.30 am to keep my Own Aura clean as I am the medium for Healing, creating paintings, Energizers, sending healing energies, Reading Astrology Charts, Absorbing Spiritual Portal Energies. AS I GAINED DEEP KNOWLEDGE OF THE 5TH DIMENSION PORTAL AFTER MY OWN SOUL AWAKENING, – I did go through my own transformation of all my chakras getting cleansed. The 3rd eye chakra – the pineal gland got activated and my spiritual understanding grew exponentially.  AS MY CHAKRAS GOT ACTIVATED, I COULD SENSE AURAS AROUND ME, SEE THROUGH THE VEIL - EVERYTHING STARTED FLOWING EFFORTLESSLY AND IN ALIGNMENT.

This helped me to sense and understand the frequency of Human Aura and energy of everything around us including the impact of visuals and objects, understanding of colour and how Energy impacts us in every way, every day, every second whether or not we are aware of it consciously.  It gave me the Ultimate Universal truth awareness – “We all are made up of energy and absorb and emit Energy whether we are consciously aware of it or not”.  AND MOST IMPORTANT “ENERGY” IS THE CURRENCY USED FOR BETTER HEALTH, CREATING WEALTH, WORK, BETTER RELATIONSHIPS, PEACE.

Thus, all my Work Area is about creating Positive Energy Vastu paintings and designing Customised commissioned Paintings and Energizers as per the need of Family homes & Offices that shift the Energy of the space making it positive and creating shields and protection from unconscious evils Eye. I Also use individual Astrology Charts and create Higher self-paintings, Numerology Paintings with Spiritual Portals and Angel Numbers 1111, 2222, 8888, 3333, 4444 which are used as an individual’s Focal point of meditation and empowers the space with High Frequency Energy attracting energy of luck, Abundance in Health, wealth, success, productivity.  Healing people by clearing “Emotional cords” of life traumas and past life Soul Contracts with the help of Personal Affirmations, using Spiritual Portals, charged “hand healing”, “Distance Healing” and “charged Crystals”. All my Areas of Profession are interconnected as they are about Shifting Energy into positive Energy, whether it is Creating a Commissioned Vastu high Frequency Painting or Energizer for home or offices, or Astro Astral Healing of a Human going through a Trauma or any challenge or Vastu Consultation of a space or independent Astrology chart reading. All the work is done during the Spiritually Activated Universal Powerful Energy Time Zone Brahma Muhurta.

Thus this is how my Journey unfolded and still continues giving me deep Satisfaction of growing.

Your paintings, particularly the '7 White Horses for Success and Peace,' have garnered international acclaim. What is the creative process behind such high-frequency energy-shifting artworks?

The Core of Spirituality is about Positive energy and is imbibed with UNIVERSAL RULE OF LAW OF ATTRACTION AND LAW OF CAUSE OF EFFECT – WE RECEIVE WHAT WE EMIT. IF WE ARE VIRATING HIGH i.e. in POSITIVE MINDSET WE ARE MORE INCLINED TO RECEIVE THE POSITIVE OF LIFE IN TERMS OF HEALTH, WEALTH, RELATIONSHIPS, PEACE and have the ability to handle any situation that is challenging with a “Solution Oriented” mind-set. Every human on this planet wants to experience abundance in health, wealth, peace, relationships, experiences. 

As humans we absorb and emit energy. We all need a positive mind-set to

accomplish our individual goals. Thus spiritual paintings- Energizers help in various ways to “realign” ourselves and balance the Environment as ENERGY CORRECTORS.  They are powerful visuals that help us create a positive mind-set as we are absorbing the energy of our environment consciously, subconsciously and unconsciously. 

Therefore, Art is sacred and it has to be chosen wisely as it will live with you forever. 

Popular Vastu high frequency Painting have been decoded in Scriptures and have deep meaning in “Vastu Shastra” and are “Spiritually charged Like “7 white Running Horses with Rising Sun for SUCCESS, PEACE, PROSPERITY PRODUCTIVITY. Popularly known as “The 7 White Horses with rising Sun “is one of the most well received paintings amongst families for their homes or workspace as it Empowers all the areas of life. According to Vastu the white horses Painting is very Auspicious as it emits Positive Energy that brings Prosperity in the home and a desirable energy for success in goals of all individuals of the family. Those looking for growth in their business or planning to start a new business should include this lucky painting at their workplace. And also if one seeks Financial Stability or Career Enhancement.

Now Let Us Look at the meaning of the painting at a deeper level.

The 7 white horses with rising sun emits Luck, Success, Positivity & Productive flow of Energy in the Space – Work place or Family home.  

The Horses are a symbol of the Go getters. They symbolise Stability, Courage, Power, Strength, Loyalty, Valour, Peace. They run with a focus. They stop where they need to. They carry the energy of reaching their goals tirelessly as they emit the energy of Strength, Speed and focus along with the energy of luck. Running horses also depict CONSTANT growth in life.

The number 7: The number “seven” has an exceptional significance in the Vastu Shastra. It is believed to bring Good Luck. It is also associated with the Energy of wealth and is regarded as extremely Auspicious.

The Colour White symbolises Peace. White depicts Radiance and Peace. Let one be Radiant and peaceful while on his/her path. Colour white is also the colour of planet Venus in Astrology. Venus is the planet of material Success and luck to attract wealth.

The Rising Sun emits the energy of light and Hope everyday... Rise to a new day and Shine Bright just like the Sun. It also Naturally emits Energy of Faith, Belief and Adaptability, reminding you through Vibration that there is no problem that one cannot solve. Everything is possible as every day is a New beginning, New morning full of positive energy. 

Rising Sun - The early morning hours, particularly at sunrise, hold a special place in various spiritual traditions and offer numerous benefits for the mind, body and soul. In various spiritual practices and beliefs, sunrise signifies the triumph of light over darkness, symbolizing new beginnings.

REBIRTH- Sunrise can symbolize renewal and rebirth, similar to the concept of dawn after a long night. This symbolism is often associated with themes of transformation, resurrection, and the cycle of life.

They symbolise new beginnings, vitality, and positivity.

The Scenic background in the painting emits an Energy of Serenity and Calmness. While we are set to accomplish the goals, let there be a sense of awareness in us that life is beautiful and we are Grateful to be here. 

The Amalgamation of these Symbols and Images Together Radiating in the painting placed in your Beautiful home/office will surely change the frequency of the Vibration to a much Higher level. Whether one is Aware of it consciously or unconsciously, this image will be emitting the vibrations. 

To create these high frequency paintings there is an Intricate structured and spiritual process as it is a high frequency energy shifting positive vibrational Space. 

First step: Energy Consultation – Vastu Consultation – (either online or offline) for understanding the need and requirement - First step is to sense the Energy of the space either office or home –  deciding on the corners, walls that need balancing or energizing.  Also having a detailed discussion about the requirement whether it is for family or individual or explicitly for children’s welfare, growth, grounding, mental strength, focus, ATTRACTION OF ABUNDANCE or Protection from Unconscious Evils eye along with adding value, status, balancing Aesthetics and part of the Décor.

The Second step-  in the process of Vastu based Positive energy shifting painting is cleansing my Own Aura by deep meditation and kriya yoga and HIGH FREQUENCY ENERGY ABSORPTION to make sure that there is no external energy residue linger or low frequency emotion like sadness or Anger or any other unresolved Trauma and that I am vibrating at a “HIGH FREQUENCY” since I am the “medium”. 

The third step is to decide the spaces that are to be “Energized” - Once the spaces are decided, the work begins.

Fourth step - Colours are carefully chosen according to the Frequency of each colour impacting human minds and their Aura. Colours and Symbols have a strong Impact on our conscious, subconscious and unconscious mind. We are constantly absorbing energies from everywhere and emitting the energies that we have absorbed. Hence with the help of positive colours and high vibrational symbols we absorb positive energy that helps us in our actions and mental strength. 

PAINTINGS ARE CREATED WITH THE ENERGIES OF BRAHMA MUHURTA PERIOD- Brahma Muhurta time is a very Powerful time space in the morning between 3.30 am to 5.30 am. The energy during this period is a very intense Phenomenon. During this time zone the 7 chakras get Activated and receive immense positive energy. The brahma muhurta period attracts purest form of Natural Energy of nature that is very powerful. The universal Energies combining the night before the dawn and the powerful Sun Energy. The sun depicts Rising so we are actually preparing our mind – body and soul on a spiritual level to Rise- the conscious, subconscious and unconscious mind on a logical level preparing itself to Rise for action and goal oriented day ahead. 

Thus purest and powerful energy is used to create high frequency Positive painting. This energy is extremely powerful and can change the Vibration of home/ office attracting success, peace, calmness, productivity and other positive qualities.  

Personalised High Vibration Based Paintings – Energizers HIGHER SELF PAINTINGS – If the client prefers Energizer / Painting that include details of positive energy from Astrochart and Aura ,then  HIGHER SELF PAINTINGS are created that Empower and Strengthen Planets of their Charts and Strengthen the Aura by focussing on the chakra points , adding symbols, mudras,  Angel Numbers 1111, 2222, 8888, 3333, 4444, creating shields and protection from unconscious evils Eye, Spiritual Auspicious days – Portals which

are used as an individual’s Focal point of meditation and empowers the space with High Frequency Energy attracting energy of luck, Abundance in Health, wealth, success, productivity. 

Adding Spiritually Charged Crystals if it’s the preferred choice of the client – According to individual belief, some clients also prefer to add charged crystals as a medium for healing and growth as a part of their Energizer. It is a popular belief that Spiritual crystals generate a flow of good energy, help in manifestation and alignment of intention and protect body and mind from negative energy that is floating in the environment. Different crystals serve different purpose. This is also inculcated depending upon the belief and faith of the client. 

Final Placement of the Positive energizer / high vibrational Paintings: If one chooses to energise the guest space, then the energies required would be different as compared to personal space, temple zone, office, drawing room or bedroom. Every space is utilised for a specific purpose and has its own Energy that needs to be empowered. 

Thus The POWERFUL VASTU SHASTRA SCIENCE - 7 White Horses with Rising Sun Vastu Powerful Positive Energizer High Frequency Painting and other High frequency paintings created for Luck, Success, Positivity absorbs Negativity, emits Positivity through all 7 chakras of the body by using the Energy of earth Gurus, lords, planets, Auspicious days, Portal numbers 1111, 222, 888, sacred spells, symbols of success, luck, good health, fortune, yin yang balancing energy, protection from Evils eye created during the Powerful Time Period of Brahma Muhurta – 3.30 to 5.30 am is created.

Balancing multiple careers, especially in areas as diverse as art and astrology, can be challenging. How do you manage to excel in so many different fields simultaneously?

Many things were planned. Doing something meaningful was planned. But a few things came to me. As they say – Destiny has it planned for everyone. Thus healing came to me. As I went through this intense experience of my Soul Awakening everything just aligned. I did not have to manage anything. everything just fell in place. Also everything is interlinked to OUR HUMAN AURA – IT IS ALL CONNECTED TO RAISING VIBRATIONS TO ATTRACT WHAT WE WANT – TO GROW – TO RISE – TO CLOSE PATTERNS THAT DO NOT SERVE US. THE BASE OF ALL MY FIELDS IS THE SAME - “SHIFTING ENERGY FROM NEGATIVE LOW FREQUENCY TO POSITIVE – HIGH FREQUENCY.” A Client would connect to me for healing – we would then get into the Astro chart and the remedies to cleanse the Aura with the knowledge of 5D – spirituality with the law of Attraction. Thus cleansing the Aura of the Client and then cleansing the house with Vastu paintings and energizers TO cleanse the space AND ATTRACT POSITIVITY, prosperity, growth.

Astrology has been practiced since Centuries. It is a science that Helps us In our individual life path by acting as a very important guideline to understand the best possible choices activated and "free will". Astrology is a guide to live mindfully and with Awareness so that one can use the Planetary strengths of the individual chart and make possible changes in the Aura. It gives great guidelines to clients wanting to know their truth of career, marriage, wealth.

It is also used as the most important base towards healing people as it helps to understand their sign element - are they Water, earth, fire or Air. It also helps answer certain questions on life cycle, karmas, soul contracts and closing a recurring pattern or currently what a human should be focusing on whether it is career or marriage or any other depending upon the "Mahadasha" - dominant planet on the psyche of the human. Thus ASTROLOGY WORKS IN EVERY WAY TO UNDERSTAND PERSONALITY, BEST OPTIONS FOR CAREER, TIME FOR MARRIAGE, MARRIAGE COMPATIBILTY, IN HEALING, DESIGNING PERSONALISED ENERGIZERS FOR ABUNDANCE AND PROTECTION THUS HELPING THE INDIVIDUAL IN EVERY WAY BE IT EMOTIONAL, HEALTH, WEALTH, RELATIONSHIP, PEACE.

THUS ALL THE AREAS ARE INTERCONNECTED, be it Vaastu Paintings, healing, astrology, therapies WITH THE FOUNDATION OF “ENERGY” to raise the frequency. Therefore, I can balance all this because of its interconnectivity and same “core foundation”.

Can you explain how your Vaastu paintings and energizers work to shift the energy of a space from negative to positive? What techniques or materials do you use to infuse these properties into your art?

Vastu of Space means sensing the collective Energy of Space and designing as per the north, south, east, west Energy resonating frequency. It also involves carefully selecting Placement of bed, washroom, temple zone and others for

free high vibrational circulation of Energy. Placement of things and addition of high frequency Images have the power to shift the vibration of the space from low (negative) to high positive thus being extremely beneficial to the individual. Vastu-Shastra is based on the five essential elements: Prithvi (earth), Agni (fire), Tej (light), Vayu (wind), and Akash (ether), which are known as Panchabhutas. The whole universe, including the earth and the human body, is considered to be made out of these five elements that affect the cosmic forces and the forms of energies. It is only Energies that have an impact on the human mind and more importantly "the Human Aura" affecting the Humans Psyche as Every Human absorbs Energy at a conscious, subconscious and unconscious level whether one is aware if it or not. “THE ENERGY THAT IS ABSORBED EFFECTS OUR MOOD AND IS THEN IMPLEMENTED INTO ACTION “. EXAMPLE – WHEN A HUMAN LISTENS TO CERTAINS SONGS, HE CAN GET DEPRESSED AND SAD. WHEN A HUMAN LISTENS TO CERTAIN MUSIC IT CAN MAKE HIM FEEL EMPOWERED OR PEACEFUL.


It is no secret and now also proven by science that every object or visual emits certain vibrations affecting or impacting the minds of the people and surroundings.  Every Object, Every Painting, Image Emits Energy. Hence it is important to be mindful before placing them in your Home or Workspace and also understanding the Source from where it came. As humans we absorb and emit energy. We all need a positive mind-set to accomplish our individual goals. Thus spiritual paintings- Energizers help in various ways to “realign” ourselves and balance the Environment as ENERGY CORRECTORS. They are powerful visuals that help us create a positive mind-set as we are absorbing the energy of our environment consciously, subconsciously and unconsciously. 


a Universal High Vibrational Energy. The universal Truth being every object or visual emits certain vibrations affecting or impacting the minds of the people and surroundings.  Every Object, Every Painting or Image Emits Energy. Hence it is important to be mindful before placing them in your Home or Workspace and also understanding the Source from where it came. ART AS FORM OF VISUALS, MUSIC IN FORM OF WORDS HAVE VIBRATIONAL ENERGY. ENERGY TRAVELS. These PAINTINGS are instilled with energy that is Positive and productive Empowering the human mind in every way possible – The spiritual Universal High vibrational Energy derived from Energy of 5 elements -Earth – (prithvi), water(jala), fire – (tejas), wind (vayu), Space (Akash) - Can shift the energy of the space and change the vibration raising its frequency that not only helps the space but also the Aura of the human.

Use of Angel numbers and Auspicious Spiritual Portals – 1111,  2222 , 8888 – lions gate portal and other portals help in attracting and manifesting one’s desire and also gives mental and emotional strength to sail through life effortlessly.

Use of Powerful Mudras and powerful Spiritual Symbols from all over the world: Powerful Hand mudras - Powerful mudras when absorbed connect directly to our chakras. The energy of these mudras when absorbed and practiced help us reach a state of peace and harmony and connect

us to Channels that allow energy circulating in the body and our Aura thus raising Our vibration to attract what we want. Mudras allow us to improve our mental clarity and recharge our energy levels. The use of Mudra is a powerful tool for self-care and empowerment. Eg- Gyan mudra – used for improving concentration and sharpen memory. Practicing this mudra along with having the image will have immense benefit in the Aura. This also brings tranquillity and inner peace. 

POWERFUL SPIRITUAL SYMBOLS from all over the world are used that help in better focus, warding away evils eye, attract calmness, peace, attain wisdom. Spiritual symbols from all over the world carry deep significance and positive high vibrational Energy emitting energy of stability, faith, protection, healing, Abundance, strength, mental strength, surrender and so on. Profound symbols like Yin and yang – emits energy of balance between masculine and feminine energy duality and harmony. Eye of the Horus – emits energy of Protection and healing, tree of life emits energy of Abundance, growth and grounding. Cornucopia – horn of plenty symbolized Abundance, Six pointer star, Bodhi tree, Phoenix, Portal of feminine energy, tree of life, planet Venus for materialistic abundance, female portal of fertility, pentagram protection are few symbols emitting high vibrational energy. 

USE OF evil eye protection symbols - The evil eye, known as “mati” in greek culture, is a curse thought to be given by the malicious Glare that can cause bad luck or loss. People can knowingly wish negative thoughts on you, But the power of the eye is that some people unknowingly and innocently cast the curse on others. Evils eye symbol is worn by progressive Humans. The Energized Aura of human is protected by all types of evils eye. 

USE OF YANTRAS –'Yan' means to control, curb or influence and 'Tra' means a tool. Yantra is a tool or diagram illustrating sacred geometrical arrangement in a symmetrical design which emits cosmic positive energies, curb negative energies and help individuals upraise spiritually. These have strong astronomical aesthetics.

Yantras are intricate geometric designs which harness the cosmic and spiritual power. This sacred design, crafted with precision and following geometric rules, is a powerful tool used for meditation, concentration and spiritual transformation. In astrology, it facilitates connection with the divine power and strengthens the bond with celestial forces. Yantra can help to enhance the positive effects and reduce the negative effects originating from any of the planets, deities, or abstract concepts in one’s life. Yantra can also help to attract the desired outcomes and fulfil the specific purposes. Moreover, Yantras are believed to align with the body's chakras, resonating with the energy of the deity they represent.

Planetary Yantra ,Surya Yantra ,Chandra Yantra ,Shukra Yantra ,Deity Yantra Shri Yantra ,Durga Yantra ,Kuber Yantra ,Vastu Yantra ,Vastu Shanti Yantra Maha Mrityunjaya Yantra , Maha Kali Yantra , Maha Sudarshan Yantra Nav Graha Yantra: It enhances the good effects of the well-placed planets. Navagrah Yantra brings happiness and harmony in the life of the native. This yantra brings positivity, good health, success, and spirituality in the life of the native. It attracts and safeguards wealth.

The chakras protected Energized by Natural Gemstones for chakras, affirmations, meditations, Aura clearance. 

Use of prestigious Spiritual Crystals – Natural crystals have high spiritual properties and power to attract Energy of peace, wealth, stability, focus.

Use of colour – Every colour has an impact on human psyche. It is aligned to our 7 chakras. Colours also have a huge impact on our planets in Astrology. Thus use of right colour pattern will activate certain energy converting into thoughts and then into Actions.

Balancing 7 CHAKRAS: Chakra means "WHEEL" in Sanskrit. It refers to the "ENERGY " points in One's body. The SEVEN CHAKRAS BEING - The Root Chakra responsible for Grounding and Stability. The Sacral Chakra Responsible for Creativity. The Solar Plexus Chakra is Responsible for our Self Confidence and Self Esteem.  The Heart Chakra Responsible for our Ability to "Connect" with Others. The Throat Chakra is responsible for Clear Communication. The 3rd Eye Chakra Responsible for Visualisation towards Manifestation of our goals. The Crown Chakra is Connected to all the other chakras and is considered the chakra of enlightenment representing our life Path and Spiritual Progress.

When the Human is Vibrating at the Highest Frequency with all Chakras Open and Aligned - The LAW of Attraction Activates Organically. "The Human THINKS- SPEAKS- VISUALISES AND ACTS IN THE SAME ALIGNMENT - ORDER. 

Energy of all forms of GODS from all over the WORLD, LORDS, Universal collective Deities Consciousness. Working in the Auspicious time zone of Brahma Muhurta – 3.30am to 5.30 am.  

Use of Brahma Muhurta time zone - Brahma Muhurta is a time of the day before sunrise that's considered to be a sacred time of great spiritual energy. It is a time when the planet's relationship with the sun and moon causes physiological changes in the human body, and that spiritual activities performed during this time have a greater effect. 

Brahma muhurta usually starts about 1 hour and 36 minutes before sunrise, between 3:30 AM and 5:00 AM. The exact time depends on the sunrise, which varies by location and time of year. Brahma muhurta Energy is very powerful with serene ambiance and pure vibrations. It is the time when life force energy is strongest. 

Here are some energy shifting that happen during Brahma Muhurta: 

Physiological changes: The planet's relationship with the sun and moon can cause physiological changes in the human body. 

Melatonin secretion: The pineal gland secretes melatonin, which helps stabilize mood. 

Creative potential:  this is a time when creativity is at its peak. 

Cosmic energy: The universe is filled with cosmic energy that can be absorbed during this time. 

A time for success: getting up early and working during this time can lead to highest chance of success

Therefore, EVERY technique, materials AND TIME ZONE used emit and shift energy RAISE THE FREQUENCY OF THE SPACE making it a high vibrational Vaastu painting attracting the energy of peace, Prosperity, success, protection from evil’s eye.

Your work often involves cleansing and balancing auras. How do you prepare yourself, both mentally and spiritually, to create such powerful and positive artworks?

All my areas of work require my own Aura to be Well Cleansed as I am the medium in creating Vastu Paintings and for Healing. A great sense of preparation goes into this.

Deep Cleansing of my Aura before starting any Astro reading, handling a psychic attack, Past Life Regression session, activating a portal, Vastu Painting, Vastu Consultation, therapy. Practicing deep Meditation for cleansing my Aura and balancing my chakras to release any residue latched on my Aura.

Actively connected to my own shadow work and inner work. Keeping my thoughts, experiences clear and transparent to make sure I am not carrying any trauma and most importantly not creating a new karma. Practicing kriya yoga, Deep breathing, Practicing Mudras, Ashanas, Spiritual cleansing. Being mindful about what I consume in terms of food. Water manifestation, connected to Jaapas and Chantings as the vibrations of the powerful jaapas and mantras cleanse the Aura and raise the vibrational frequency. CLEASING OF MY SPACE with blessed spells, reciting Mantras, Charged Salt water, burning of Sage. The space where I work is equally important, therefore important to make sure it is vibrating at high frequency.

Wearing defined “colour” for various purpose as Colours have their own frequency and are connected to our 7 chakras and have an impact on every planet.

You’ve won numerous prestigious awards and have been recognized globally. What do these accolades mean to you personally and professionally? How have they impacted your career?

The Accolades mean a lot to me. Personally and Professionally both. Personally it serves as a great sense of fulfilment, Achievement and enhances the Purpose of life on Earth motivating to Rise Higher and Higher. I have always believed that achieving helps us Grow and push our boundaries eventually helping us to Excel in our Fields and reaching our Best Selves. Professionally these Prestigious Awards serve as a high sense of credibility and connectivity with Prestigious Galleries, Art curators all over the world. As These Awards are carefully articulated by the Jury who choose Artists from all over the World, it makes them HIGHLY VALUABLE, PRESTIGIOUS AND OF HIGH STATURE. IN SOME PRESTIGIOUS AWARDS - THE best painters compete from all over the world and the best galleries and Art collectors from all over the world jury the paintings. THUS It is a great Honour to receive the Accolades as a great sense of work, expertise and study goes into this. Also these PRESTIGIOUS Accolades have impacted my career to great length. They have impacted my career positively and Productively to a Great Extent. I am connected and contacted from all over the world by Valuable and Ambitious Clients, Art galleries, Art Curators. I am extremely grateful to be receiving this.

I am in Deep Gratitude for winning 36 INTERNATIONAL AWARDS;

Awarded MAXIMUM WINS- 11 for all High Vibrational energy shifting Paintings – IN WORLD ART AWARDS where Artist from 79 Countries competed where 20 of the most revered Galleries in the World rated their paintings.

1) Awarded and Named as WORLD’S BEST EXPRESSIONISM PAINTER – WORLD ART AWARDS juried by BY THE TOP 20 MOST REVERED GALLERIES OF THE WORLD -Popular Vastu Energizer Painting - The 7 White Horses with Rising Sun Vastu Positive Energizer High Frequency Painting for Luck, Success, Positivity and Productive flow of Energy with Portal Numbers and Protection from Unconscious Evil Eye painted using auspicious Brahma Muhurta time zone 3.30 to 5.30 am.

2) Awarded and Named as WORLD’S BEST EXPRESSIONISM PAINTER – WORLD ART AWARDS juried by BY THE TOP 20 MOST REVERED GALLERIES OF THE WORLD - "Shades of Life Through Music High Frequency Vastu Positive Energizer painting created during powerful Brahma Muhurta 3.30 to 5.30 am.

3) Awarded and Named as WORLD’S BEST EXPRESSIONISM PAINTER – WORLD ART AWARDS juried by BY THE TOP 20 MOST REVERED GALLERIES OF THE WORLD –Variation of Turiya Avastha – higher consciousness CHAKRA BALANCING ENERGIZER 2 - Powerful Vastu Positive Energizer High Frequency Painting absorbs Negativity emits Positivity through all 7 chakras of the body by using the Energy of earth gurus, lords, planets, Auspicious days, Portal numbers 1111,

222, 888, sacred spells, symbols of success, luck, good health, fortune, yin yang balancing energy, protection from Evils eye created during the Powerful Time Period of Brahma Muhurta – 3.30 to 5.30 am.

4) Awarded and Named as WORLD’S BEST CUBIST PAINTER – WORLD ART AWARDS juried by BY THE TOP 20 MOST REVERED GALLERIES OF THE WORLD –"Shades of Life Through Music High Frequency Vastu Positive Energizer painting created during powerful Brahma Muhurta 3.30 to 5.30 am "

5) Awarded and Named as WORLD’S BEST FANTASY LANDSCAPE PAINTER – WORLD ART AWARDS juried by BY THE TOP 20 MOST REVERED GALLERIES OF THE WORLD - Unconditional Love of Radha - Krishna Energy Vastu Positive Painting Energizer -emitting positive energy for couples, Protection from evil's eye, Spiritual portals 1111-222, created using Brahma Muhurta Energies Time Zone 3.30 to 5.30 am. 6) Awarded and Named as WORLD’S BEST FUTURISTIC PAINTER – WORLD ART AWARDS juried by BY THE TOP 20 MOST REVERED GALLERIES OF THE WORLD - Variation of Turiya Avastha – Higher consciousness CHAKRA BALANCING ENERGIZER 1 - Powerful Vastu Positive Energizer High Frequency Painting absorbs Negativity emits Positivity through all 7 chakras of the body by using the Energy of earth gurus, lords, planets, Auspicious days, Portal numbers 1111, 222, 888, sacred spells, symbols of success, luck, good health, fortune, yin yang balancing energy, protection from Evils eye created during the Powerful Time

Period of Brahma Muhurta – 3.30 to 5.30 am.

7) Awarded and Named as WORLD’S BEST FUTURISTIC PAINTER – WORLD ART AWARDS juried by BY THE TOP 20 MOST REVERED GALLERIES OF THE WORLD- SPACE ENERGY created during the Powerful Time Period of Brahma Muhurta – 3.30 to 5.30 am.

8) Awarded and Named as WORLD’S BEST IMPRESSIONIST PAINTER – WORLD ART AWARDS juried by BY THE TOP 20 MOST REVERED GALLERIES OF THE WORLD-- "Shades of Life Through Music High Frequency Vastu Positive Energizer painting created during powerful Brahma Muhurta 3.30 to 5.30 am.

9) Awarded and Named as WORLD’S BEST

IMPRESSIONIST LANDSCAPE PAINTER – WORLD ART AWARDS juried by BY THE TOP 20 MOST REVERED GALLERIES OF THE WORLD- Popular Vastu Energizer Painting - The 7 White Horses with Rising Sun Vastu Positive Energizer High Frequency Painting for Luck, Success, Positivity and Productive flow of Energy with Portal Numbers and Protection from Unconscious Evil Eye painted using auspicious Brahma Muhurta time zone 3.30 to 5.30 am.

10) Awarded and Named as WORLD’S BEST SPIRITUAL PAINTER – WORLD ART AWARDS juried by BY THE TOP 20 MOST REVERED GALLERIES OF THE WORLD- Unconditional Love of Radha - Krishna Energy Vastu Positive Painting Energizer -emitting positive energy for couples, Protection from evil's eye, Spiritual portals

1111-222, created using Brahma Muhurta Energies Time Zone 3.30 to 5.30 am. 11) Awarded and Named as WORLD’S BEST SURREALIST PAINTER – WORLD ART AWARDS juried by BY THE TOP 20 MOST REVERED GALLERIES OF THE WORLD-"Shades of Life Through Music High Frequency Vastu Positive Energizer painting created during powerful Brahma Muhurta 3.30 to 5.30 am.    

12) Awarded and Named as WORLD’S BEST CUBIST PAINTER – AMERICAN ART AWARDS juried BY THE TOP 25 BEST GALLERIES AND MUSEUMS OF U.S.A for- Vastu Energizer Painting “Shades of life through Music” with Portal Energy of 1111, 2222, 8888 for Alignment, Peace, Energising painting for protection from Evil's Eye and Emitting prosperity with the energies of Brahma Muhurta Time zone-

3.30 -5.30 pm.

13)Awarded and Named as WORLD’S BEST SPIRITUAL PAINTER – AMERICAN ART AWARDS juried by THE TOP 25 BEST GALLERIES AND MUSEUMS OF U.S.A for Vastu Energizer Painting – “Higher Consciousness - Turiya Avastha” absorbs Negativity emits Positivity through 3rd Eye with 7 chakra Energy, 5 element energy, energy of being with Portal Numbers and Protection from Unconscious Evil Eye created during the Powerful Time Period of Brahma Muhurta – 3.30 to 5.30 am.



-Popular Vastu Energizer Painting – “7 White Horses with Rising Sun for Luck, Success, Positivity and Productive flow of Energy” with Portal Numbers and Protection from Unconscious Evil Eye created during the Powerful Time Period of Brahma Muhurta – 3.30 to 5.30 am.

15) Awarded and Named as WORLD’S BEST SURREALIST PAINTER - AMERICAN ART AWARDS, juried BY THE TOP 25 BEST GALLERIES AND MUSEUMS OF U.S.A for- Vastu Energizer Painting Shades of life through Music with Portal Energy of 1111, 2222, 8888 for Alignment, Peace, Energising painting for protection from Evil's Eye and Emitting prosperity with the energies of Brahma Muhurta Time zone- 3.30 -5.30 pm.

16) Awarded and Named as WORLD’S

BEST SPIRITUAL PAINTER – AMERICAN ART AWARDS juried by THE TOP 25 BEST GALLERIES AND MUSEUMS OF U.S.A for Vastu Energizer Painting -Unconditional Love of Radha - Krishna Energy emitting positive energy, Strength, Deep unshakable love, ability to go through life PEACEFULLY for couples by drawing energy from Divine Radha and Krishna with protection from evil's eye symbol, using portals- 1111 -222, created using Brahma Muhurta Energies- 3.30 – 5.30 am.

17) Awarded and Named as WORLD’S BEST FANTASY LANDSCAPE PAINTER – AMERICAN ART AWARDS juried by BY THE TOP 25 BEST GALLERIES AND MUSEUMS OF U.S.A for -Popular Vastu Energizer Painting - 7 White Horses with Rising Sun for Luck, Success, Positivity and Productive flow of Energy with Portal

Numbers and Protection from Unconscious Evil Eye created during the Powerful Time Period of Brahma Muhurta – 3.30 to 5.30 am.

18) Awarded and Named as WORLD’S BEST EXPRESSIONIST PAINTER – AMERICAN ART AWARDS juried by by THE TOP 20 BEST GALLERIES AND MUSEUMS OF U.S.A for – Vastu Energizer Painting - Attracting Energy of Abundance in wealth, Strength, Faith, Peace by absorbing energies of powerful Divine Forces - Energized during the Brahma Muhurta – 3.30 to 5.50 am with Powerful Portals.


AWARDS juried by THE TOP 20 BEST GALLERIES AND MUSEUMS OF U.S.A for Vastu Energizer Painting - Attracting Energy of Abundance in wealth, Strength, Faith, Peace by absorbing energies of powerful Divine Forces - Energized during the Brahma Muhurta – 3.30 to 5.50 am with Powerful Portals.

20) ‘THE FACES OF PEACE ART PRIZE AWARD – INTERNATIONAL ART PRIZE “– by CONTEMPORARY ART CURATOR MAGAZINE awards distinguished Artists whose work Significantly contributes to Peace and human development and incites changes through their Talent and creativity to restore balance to the relationship between humanity and Natural Environment.

21) COLLECTORS ART PRIZE AWARD – Collectors Art Prize recognizes

Outstanding achievements in contemporary Art by celebrating the work of Extraordinary artists whose Practices are among most innovative and influential of our time.

Awarded to Artists who have created exceptional and thought –provoking work that pushes the boundaries of their medium and engages with significant social cultural issues.

22) AWARDED as - SPECIAL RECOGNISITION AWARD – ALL WOMEN ART EXHIBITION – LIGHT SPACE AND TIME ART GALLERY - USA for Vastu Energizer Painting -Unconditional Love of Radha - Krishna Energy emitting positive energy, Strength, Deep unshakable love, ability to go through life PEACEFULLY for couples by drawing energy from Divine

Radha and Krishna with protection from evil's eye symbol, using portals- 1111 -222, created using Brahma Muhurta Energies- 3.30 – 5.30 am.

23) Awarded and Named as WORLD’S BEST FANTASY LANDSCAPE  PAINTER – AMERICAN ART AWARDS juried by THE TOP 20 BEST GALLERIES AND MUSEUMS OF U.S.A - Variation of Turiya Avastha – Higher consciousness CHAKRA BALANCING ENERGIZER 2   - Powerful Vastu Positive Energizer High Frequency Painting absorbs Negativity emits Positivity through all 7 chakras of the body by using the Energy of earth gurus, lords, planets, Auspicious days, Portal numbers 1111, 222, 888, sacred spells, symbols of success, luck, good health, fortune, yin yang balancing energy, protection from Evils eye created during the Powerful Time

Period of Brahma Muhurta – 3.30 to 5.30 am.

24) Awarded and Named as WORLD’S BEST FUTURISTIC PAINTER – AMERICAN ART AWARDS juried by THE TOP 20 BEST GALLERIES AND MUSEUMS OF U.S.A - - SPACE ENERGY created during the Powerful Time Period of Brahma Muhurta – 3.30 to 5.30 am.

25) “HARMONY FOR HUMANITY – THE GLOBAL CONSCIOUSNESS ART PRIZE” – BY CONTEMPORARY ART COLLECTORS – This Prestigious Prize recognizes Artists who leverage their creative brilliance to ignite global shift in consciousness, fostering unity, understanding and Positive change. EXHIBITED AT THE PRESTIGIOUS TTAF TOKYO ART FAIR AT THE ICONIC TOKYO TOWER - selected and invited for

a virtual Gallery Exhibition Display by Contemporary Art Collectors and NOMINATED for the TOKYO TOWER ART AWARDS.


CHOICE AWARDS - 2024 juried by Top 20 International Art Collectors from

all over the world for “Shades of life through music High Frequency Positive Energizer Painting created during Powerful Brahma Muhurta 3.30 to 5.30 Am .


CHOICE AWARDS - 2024 juried by Top 20 International Art Collectors from

all over the world for “The 7 White horses with Rising Sun High Frequency Positive Energizer for LUCK, Success, Positivity And Productive Flow Of Energy With Portal Numbers And Protection From Unconscious Evil Eye

Painted Using Auspicious Brahma Muhurta Time Zone 3.30 To 5.30 AM” 60x40” Acrylic, canvas with 3D hand painted frame.

28)Awarded and Named as WORLD’S BEST FANTASY LANDSCAPE PAINTER - ART COLLECTORS CHOICE AWARDS - 2024 juried by Top 20 International Art Collectors from all over the world for ““The 7 White horses with Rising Sun High Frequency Positive Energizer for LUCK, Success, Positivity And Productive Flow Of Energy With Portal Numbers And Protection From Unconscious Evil Eye Painted Using Auspicious Brahma Muhurta Time Zone 3.30 To 5.30 AM” 60x40” Acrylic, canvas with 3D hand painted frame.

29)Awarded and Named as WORLD’S BEST IMPRESSIONISM – STILL LIFE PAINTER - ART COLLECTORS CHOICE AWARDS - 2024 juried by Top 20 International Art Collectors from all over the world for “Shades of life through music High Frequency Positive Energizer Painting created during Powerful Brahma Muhurta 3.30 to 5.30 Am .

30)Awarded and Named as WORLD’S BEST RELIGIOUS OR SPIRITUAL PAINTER- ART COLLECTORS CHOICE AWARDS - 2024 juried by Top 20 International Art Collectors from all over the world for “The 7 White horses with Rising Sun High Frequency Positive Energizer for LUCK, Success, Positivity And

Productive Flow Of Energy With Portal Numbers And Protection From Unconscious Evil Eye

Painted Using Auspicious Brahma Muhurta Time Zone 3.30 To 5.30 AM” 60x40” Acrylic, canvas with 3D hand painted frame.

31)Awarded and Named as WORLD’S BEST RELIGIOUS OR SPIRITUAL PAINTER- ART COLLECTORS CHOICE AWARDS - 2024 juried by Top 20 International Art Collectors from

all over the world for “Chakra Balancing Energizer For Higher Consciousness - Powerful Positive Energizer High Frequency Painting Absorbs Negativity Emits Positivity Through All 7 Chakras Of The Body By Using The Energy Of Earth Gurus, Lords,

Planets, Auspicious Days, Portal Numbers 1111, 222, 888, Sacred Spells, Symbols Of Success, Luck, Good Health, Fortune, Yin Yang Balancing Energy, Protection From Evils Eye Created During The Powerful Time Period Of Brahma Muhurta – 3.30 To 5.30 AM” 32x48” Acrylic on canvas with 3D hand painted frame.

32)Awarded and Named as WORLD’S BEST FANTASY LANDSCAPE PAINTER - ART COLLECTORS CHOICE AWARDS - 2024 juried by Top 20 International Art Collectors fromall over the world for “Chakra Balancing Energizer For Higher Consciousness - Powerful Positive Energizer High Frequency Painting Absorbs Negativity Emits Positivity Through All 7 Chakras Of The Body By Using The Energy Of Earth Gurus, Lords, Planets, Auspicious Days, Portal Numbers 1111, 222, 888, Sacred Spells, Symbols Of Success, Luck, Good Health, Fortune, Yin Yang Balancing Energy, Protection From Evils Eye Created During The Powerful Time Period Of Brahma Muhurta – 3.30 To 5.30 AM” 32x48” Acrylic on canvas with 3D hand painted frame.

33) AWARDED and Felicitated by THE PRESTIGIOUS International

Prize Leonardo da Vinci - ITLAY - MILANO at the National Museumof Science and Technology "Leonardo da Vinci" - Milan, to the Outstanding and successful Painters all around the world in the Presence of Collectors, Journalists, Politicians and Art lovers.It is one of the most Prestigious Art Awards awarded in the heart of Milan.

34) Awarded with the “International Prize Botticelli. The Prize for Her artistic merit. at the Borghese Palace - Florence’ The prestigious award, is given to those artists who stood out for their artistic and stylistic research. For the occasion will be selected, by Salvatore and Francesco Saverio Russo, some of the best international and contemporary artists all around the world.

35) Awarded The Global Art Virtuoso: Elite Artistic Career Achievement Award Winners. Contemporary Art Collectors Magazine - The Luxury Collection of Contemporary Artistry This award celebrates an artist's exceptional talent, commitment, and innovation in their artistic journey. - SPAIN.

This Award is a testament to the remarkable talent, dedication, and innovation throughout the artistic journey and the unique vision and exceptional skills of Artists who have not only captivated audiences worldwide but have also significantly contributed to the enrichment of the Art World.

Winning GLOBAL ART VIRTUOSO: ELITE ARTISTIC CAREER ACHIEVEMENT AWARD is a great honour and a sign of prestige in the art world! It means that an artist's work is considered of the highest quality and importance. It is a recognition of their talent, dedication, and contributions to the art world.

36) AWARDED AS - The Future of Art Global Masterpiece Award by the Prestigious Contemporary Art Curator Magazine - Dubai. This Prestigious award recognizes the world's finest artists for their exceptional talent and unique creativity. THE BEST ARTISTS from all over the world are honoured with Future of Art Global Masterpiece Award because of their innovative and inspiring work is shaping the future of contemporary art. The Remarkable contributions not only elevate the art world but also establish the ARTIST as a true pioneer in the global artistic community.

Popular Vastu Energizer Painting – “7 White Horses with Rising Sun for Luck, Success, Positivity and Productive flow of Energy” with Portal Numbers and Protection from Unconscious Evil Eye created during the Powerful Time Period of Brahma Muhurta – 3.30 to 5.30 am - Featured in Spotlight – Contemporary Art Magazine | 30 by Circle Foundation – Athens Greece - that presents unique selection of remarkable Contemporary Artists from all around the World.

Popular Vastu Energizer Painting – “7 White Horses with Rising Sun for Luck, Success, Positivity and Productive flow of

Energy” with Portal Numbers and Protection from Unconscious Evil Eye created during the Powerful Time Period of Brahma Muhurta – 3.30 to 5.30 am -Featured in ‘THE FACES OF PEACE ART BOOK –by CONTEMPORARY ART CURATOR MAGAZINE for Winning the ‘THE FACES OF PEACE ART PRIZE AWARD – INTERNATIONAL ART PRIZE | Spain.

Thus, I have been extremely Grateful for my journey and in Deep Gratitude to everyone who have been a part of my growth.

Your clientele spans the globe, and you provide personalized services such as affirmations and meditations. How do you ensure that each client's needs are met uniquely and effectively?

Usually, the first connect is a voice Sensing to develop a certain comfort and trust between me and the client. After the first voice sensing, a video call is scheduled for Aura sensing. Once the sensing is done, a personalised module is decided and the healing-reading therapy takes places accordingly. Today we live in a wonderful space in time where even the Energy shifting- Vastu consultations done online over a video call are recorded and the energy of the house is studied. Healing is also done through Vibrations, Meditations, Personalised Question, therapy - Affirmations Portal Activations Sending Energy through Vibrational Telepathic connects along with personalised modules. It is a Natural process using the Universally known fact and it is scientifically proven that Energy "Travels". This is why we experience "feeling good" or "feeling drained" after talking to someone over phone or chat. We now understand toxic energy, positive energy and negative energy through vibrations. Using the same universal awareness Healing is done no matter where the clients reside all around the world.

All my clients that I have connected to till date are Special and close to my heart as there is always a Deep emotional bond during the healing journey or designing charged Energizing paintings at such a personal level or providing them with Affirmations and meditations that help according to their need. The "Trust" that they have in me is extremely important with clients revealing their deepest feelings or Truth which they may have not shared with anyone on Earth. The complete Faith they have while sending their children to me for therapy or designing their Evils eye shield, attracting abundance, Astro Astral Energy high vibrational charged Energizers is a very Special feeling for me that no words can express it.

Thus I make sure that all the needs of the clients are met with the ENERGY OF DEEP TRUST, CREATING A STRONG BOND, LEARNING ABOUT THEIR PAST, UNDERSTANDING THEIR AURA AND MOST IMPORTANTLY THIS SPACE WORKS WITH THE ENERGY OF NO BOUNDARY, COMPASSION AND UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. Thus this helps the clients to be 100 percent transparent and open up and just flow whether it is about healing or Astrology reading, or Traumas or Vastu, or creating energizers and paintings for Positive Aura, positive home and remedy to Astrology.

Your healing sessions include practices like past life regression and chakra balancing. Can you share a memorable success story where these therapies significantly transformed someone’s life?

All Experiences are unique and have their own transformation stories. However, a few experiences are close to my heart and have felt magical. let me share the Success story of a couple. Past life Regression therapies, Trauma Releases helped them close their Patterns, understand their own life path, purpose. Therapies related to Childhood Emotional blockages helped Release the clots. The couple was not Aligned when they came to me. They had their own Independent blockages. As we did individual Therapies, the blockages cleared helping the chakras to Cleanse and then Activate. Past life Regression helped understand that the couple were connected in the previous life too. After series of therapies, couple therapies, using spiritual Portals, doing the inner work - shadow work - Today this couple carries the perfect Yin-yang Energy. They Vibrate at the same frequency of Unconditional love. They are beautifully Aligned. Now They live Gracefully and are Evolving together with "Awareness" and helping each other GROW, RISE AND SUCCEED INDIVIDUALLY IN THEIR LIFE PATH AND TOGETHER IN THEIR MARRIAGE.

It is just SO beautiful AND FULFILLING to see them grow.

What advice would you give to aspiring artists and healers who wish to combine their artistic talents with spiritual practices to create a meaningful and impactful career?

To the Aspiring Artists and healers who are inclined to Create high vibrational Spiritual Positive Art, my advices would be to first cleanse the ‘ENERGY OF SELF’. As an Artist and healer we are the medium and thus our Aura should be Pure and vibrating at a High frequency – “Positive”. Also it is important to be mindful of our life style. For example: Eating healthy, Exercising will help in changing the Energy of the AURA TO THEN BECOME A MEDIUM TO PAINT. Inculcating MEDITATION, YOGA, PRACTICING POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS as daily practice is essential. Also it is important to resolve any personal trauma otherwise it will block the Even flow of Positive energy. 

KEEPING OUR AURA CLEANSED AND EMITING POSITIVE ENERGY IS MOST IMPORTANT AS WE ARE THE “MEDIUM” TO CREATE “ENERGY SHIFTING POSITIVE ART “and Healing others of their traumas and giving them Awareness about their repetitive patterns.

Also it is important to work from compassion and unconditional love along with the structured model as Healing as well as ART has no Boundaries.


My Advice to the Artists would be to always create Art from your own Gut – core.  Always be real and Authentic with the mind, body and Soul. This will help you be naturally Authentic with your work and that is very important in creating positive energy shifting spiritual Art. In my experience – people first connect to your personality and then your work. Thus it’s important to be Trust worthy, Authentic, hardworking, clean in thoughts, clear with words – Actions. Also, be your Unique Self. Follow your own independent vision and be Fearless to take Risks and challenges. Test yourself from time to time. “LISTEN TO YOUR INNER VOICE – Your own Intuition. 

Learn the skills, gain deep knowledge on Spirituality, do your own “inner work” – shadow work. Make sure that you are free from your own Traumas. Cleanse and activate all your chakras. It is extremely essential to radiate high frequency energy to emit Positive Energy.

Always work towards other’s benefit and give your best towards improving other’s life. 

Thus this will help others and give you a deep purpose to live on Earth.


Samantha Louise Emery


Marco Riha