Pompeyo Curbelo Martin

1. Growing up in San Sebastián de la Gomera, how did your island origins shape your initial approach to painting?

The beauty of the islands, their people and their culture have been a fundamental value

2. You mentioned that your professional development occurred mainly in Vienna. How has the artistic culture of Vienna compared to that of the Canary Islands influenced your work?

This question is difficult to answer, comparing one situation with another would not be possible but it is evident that the artistic influence of Vienna helped me considerably.

3. Could you explain what the “art in its new dimension” movement implies and how it influences your work?

Art cannot remain stagnant, it has to constantly evolve.

4. Impressionism is known for its focus on light and movement. How do you incorporate these elements into your paintings while addressing contemporary themes?

Every artistic movement is important to take into account and impressionism has been a movement that has influenced many artists.

5. Your work stands out for its reflection on current society, especially its socioeconomic aspects. Could you talk about a specific piece that you think sums up this approach?

I could refer to my work Coronavirus, a work that tries to capture what happened in a period in the history of humanity.

6. How do you start a new piece? Do you start with a concept, a visual image, or is it a more spontaneous process?

It is a moment of inspiration in which you start to paint and everything flows.

7. Now that your art is gaining recognition not only in Europe but also in places like Argentina, the United States, Canada and Japan, what do you think attracts such a diverse audience to your work?

My work is universal, it does not take into account the nationality of people.

8. What are some of the biggest challenges you face in your art, especially when addressing topics such as socioeconomic issues in contemporary society?

Let people try to understand my painting.

9. You believe that art should continually evolve. Where do you see your artistic direction going in the next five years?

Towards the future.

10. For emerging artists drawing on their cultural and regional origins, what advice would you give them to resonate both locally and globally?

Keep painting.


Steven Lamb


Ragnhild Lunden