What inspired you to focus on painting colorful portraits of famous individuals?

Is there a particular aspect of their personalities that draws you in? In the portraits painted by me are people with a very strong personality to whom I have a special sympathy.An individual's personality is for me like a mask that I feel, I study and I try to reproduce in my own style with the help of fluid organic forms and colors of the solar spectrum.To create such drawings it is necessary to reach a maturity of your artistic style, to master it very well and to use it with the precision of a surgeon.

Can you describe your creative process when approaching a new portrait?

I always start a sketch with the thing I want to draw, and then I change it multiple times until I reach a point where I feel like I’ve said everything and I am very happy with the end result. In the case of a portrait, for instance, each line needs to be in a very precise spot. Any change to the base lines, however small, might completely ruin the expression of the person in the portrait. All my artworks are complex, highly organized constructions of organic fluid forms. This stage in the creation of my works is the most interesting and the most difficult from all. The next step is transferring the sketch (usually done on A4 format) to a very large canvas. This step is crucial in its importance and extremely complicated. Any slight variation, when scaling up the drawing, might distort it, change it and completely ruin a portrait. Every detail needs to be drawn with utmost precision. The last step is applying the colors. I use acrylics that I apply with the help of a brush, between tape of varying widths, lengths and shapes. The color is the element that offers visual unity and harmony. I use the seven colors of the rainbow and the shades obtained by combining them.

Do you have a favorite piece among your artwork? What makes it special to you?

In all my work I put many hours of hard work. In the beginning when I still was developing my style, I liked some more then others. But now, each work has the same value for me. They all have their own unique story and are an essence of who I am.

How do you balance capturing a recognizable likeness of the subject with infusing your own artistic style and interpretation into the portrait?

"Dialogue with Water" was born from childhood and matured with me. I can compare myself to a performance athlete whose skills have been trained for years and have achieved their goal. In my case, performance means when after many days of work on a portrait, the character painted by me is immediately recognized by ordinary people. This is the biggest compliment for me as an artist and that's how I know I've reached my goal.

Are there any specific techniques or tools you use to achieve the vibrant and dynamic colors in your portraits? Could you share some insights into your palette choices?

From the beginning I decided to use in my works the seven colors of the rainbow and the shades obtained by combining them. For me, these colors are states of happiness, they have a strong connection with my inner feelings.When I paint, I experience a unique state of joy that transfers to the colors I use in my painting. It's a phenomenon that I can't control and explain. For me, these colors convey joy and life force.

Can you share any advice for aspiring artists looking to develop their creative voice and style?

Artists who are at the beginning of their artistic journey must learn to listen to their inner voice, find an authentic artistic idea and develop their own style.An artist must be optimistic, active, and self-confident without complexes. He has to open his heart to challenges because that's the only way he can mature. An artist must be curious, experiment continuously, create a visible presence of what is invisible. To not give in to failures, to be unconventional, to challenge, to be a voice of his time.

What do you hope viewers take away from experiencing your art?

I hope my art has a positive influence on those who look at it. I wish through my work of art to bring more understanding, appreciation, interest, respect and love for this unique, complex substance of incredible perfection and beauty - WATER.

Are there any specific goals or milestones you aim to achieve in your artistic career?

I am an artist who is constantly searching and experimenting. I want to perfect my style as much as possible, to improve it with new formulas of artistic expression. I want to bring beauty, hope and love of life through my work. I wish that the images and the message of my work remain and shine in people's hearts with the intensity of the rainbow after summer rain.



Christian Lepsien


Eriko Kaniwa