Yanko Yankov for StrYctYre Paintings
Website: www.stryctyrepaintings.com
Country: Austria
YY – chronicle My life journey has taken me on exciting rides ever since it began in the crazy 80s. Born in Bulgaria, I currently reside in Austria, where I had the opportunity to meet Abby Brown, an American contemporary artist, who became my art coach and mentor. Since then, I have been dedicated to creating my art and building the brand of StrYctYre Paintings. mY Art, mY Mission Through my passion for preserving the beauty of nature and addressing the growing waste recycling issues worldwide, I use StrYctYre Paintings as a means to transform "waste" into art, which has a greater purpose and meaning to me! Why StrYctYre Paintings? Traditional oil painting couldn't capture my aesthetics and the story I wanted to tell. Mixing different materials, textures and techniques, deeply drawn to structured 3D surfaces, allows me for unconventional expression. My art often features abundant lines that represent the energetic flow of life which gives me a feeling of a movement captured in a glimpse. mY ExposYre: I took part in a couple of metaverse exhibitions, like the one by the Norwegian Cultural Institute. I was invited to exhibit for the Long Night of Museums in Austria. In October 2023 i will join a group exhibition in London,UK followed by second one in November- Vienna,Austria.