Katja Lührs
Website: www.katjaluehrs.com
Country: Germany
Cover in the art magazine "ARTPROFIL" 2021 and 2023 and 10 pages - ARTBOX World Winner 2020 - 2021 - 2022 with the painting "Color Sound - Summerdreams - Save the Earth - Blue Night Fog – Rainbow - Moments and WINNER ITSLIQUID Group (ITS) Artist oft he Year 2022 and WINNER 2023 CIRCLE ART - WINNER COLLECTORS ART PRIZE 2023 The variety of colors and shapes of flowers, trees and leaves has fascinated me since I was a child. The power of the sun and its play with light and shadow in nature are characterized by: "grace - joy of life - confidence - peace and serenity". With pictures you can capture the beauties of nature. Because what you love, you also protect. Therefore, my motto for my pictures is: "Save the earth.“
Save the earth
Blue Night Fog
The magic of lights
Wonder world
Beginning of anything
Protect our home earth
Soul life