Kathryn Bagwell
Website: kbagwellart.com
Country: United States of America
Kathryn Bagwell’s oil and collage works depict both women and men in a broad figurative style ranging from cubist to expressionism and realism. Based in Texas, Bagwell’s portfolio is influenced by her professional experience and formal education as a musician, her love for ancient art, and the dualities of the human being. Bagwell was introduced to art early by her family’s weekly trips to the Arkansas Arts Center in Little Rock. She has worked extensively as a professional singer and plays several instruments; but drawing is a generational skill in the family. The death of her sister in 2006 prompted a turn in her practice, from music to visual art. Bagwell is improvisational in her practice, and rotates between her self- developed styles. The works are colorful, utilizing charcoal lines and thick oil paint as well as newspaper, vintage music and handmade paper from around the world. Subjects of the works frequently make strong eye contact with the viewer. The art is cross cultural, and incorporates psychological themes ranging from female empowerment and societal chaos to self-deception and introspection. Her first solo exhibition was in 2020 in Bishop Arts in Dallas, and she has been featured in various shows and publications in the United States throughout the pandemic. She has sold and shipped works to London, France and Australia as well as throughout the United States. A Kathryn Bagwell work hangs next to a Willem de Kooning painting in a client’s home in Dallas, where the artist lives and works.
In the kitchen, 2019. Oil, newsprint, and charcoal on canvas, 122 x 122 cm
Yuka, 2022. Oil and handmade paper on canvas, 152 x 122 cm
Girl With A Rabbit, 2023. Oil on canvas, 122 x 91 cm
Liar, Cheat, and the Thief, 2023. Oil and charcoal on canvas, 122 x 122 cm
Reverie, 2019. Oil and charcoal on canvas, 152 x 122 cm
Water Bearers II, 2018. Oil on canvas, 152 x 122 cm
The Lesson, 2020. Oil and handmade paper on canvas, 122 x 91 cm
Nefertiti, 2023. Oil and graphite on canvas, 91 x 61 cm