Janna Shulrufer
Country: Israel
Janna Shulrufer is an Israeli professional artist, and she paints from childhood. She was born in Moscow (RF) and from 1995 she lives in Israel. Now Janna in her studio in the Artist’s Colony in Safed (Israel) works in different genres and techniques: oil painting, drawing, watercolors, etching (dry point). Everything she sees, thinks and feels is present in her artworks.
Turbulent times, 2023. Oil on canvas, 100x70 cm
Look at the future, 2023. Oil on canvas, 100x40 cm
Urban landscape, 2020. Oil on canvas, 140x140 cm
Madam philosopiya, 2022. Ink, pastel on paper, 100x71cm
Eve, 2023. Ink on paper, 65x50cm
YIN&YANG, 2015. Oil on canvas, 80x100cm
Still life, 2022. Watercolors on paper, 69x49cm
Flowers, 2023. Watercolors on paper, 40x30cm