Jackie Mulder
Website: www.jackiemulder.nl
Country: The Netherlands
Amsterdam based artist Jackie Mulder was born and raised in a small Dutch village in an oppressive and religious family. She created her own safe world by making meticulously scribbled drawings on paper, which developed into works several meters long. At the age of seventeen she left the parental home and freed herself from the limitations of her environment. This experience turned out to be transformative. Jackie has remained committed throughout her life to challenging the status quo and deviating from conventional norms, a theme that is reflected in her artistic expression. After a career as a fashion designer and graphic designer, she graduated from the Photo Academy in Amsterdam in 2021. Since then she has been working as an art photographer on her ongoing project 'Thought Trails'. With her unique approach to photography and mixed media art, she aims to challenge the viewer's perception of photography and push the boundaries of the medium. Her creative process always starts with a self-made photo or the combination of several photos, followed by very labour-intensive operations in which she deconstructs and reconstructs, leading to unique multi-layered works of art. She appreciates the element of chance and prefers not to have a preconceived idea of the final product. Her mind is free to roam and while she works, she is completely absorbed in her own creative space, similar to her childhood days of scribbling in her room. Her work is literally and figuratively 'healing'.
Thought Trails #252, 2023, photo on hemp paper, ink, embroidery, charcoal, H60 x W42cm
Thought Trails #230, 2023, photo transfer on hemp paper, ink, embroidery, print on organza silk, H57 x W37cm
Thought Trails #228, 2023, photo transfer on hemp paper, ink, embroidery, print on organza silk, H45 x W29cm
Thought Trails #222, 2023, photo transfer on hemp paper, ink, embroidery, print on organza silk, H27 x W32cm
Thought Trails #123, 2021, photo on Innova paper, embroidery, carton boxes, H35 x W20 x D1cm
Thought Trails #193, 2022, photo transfer on etching paper, ink, embroidery, cigar box, beeswax, H12 x W21 x D1cm
Thought Trails #195, 2022, photo transfer on etching paper, ink, embroidery, wood, beeswax, H24 x W18 x D3cm
Thought Trails #159, 2022, photo on etching paper, embroidery, book cover, beeswax, H29 x W19cm