Aline Pouget


Country: France

Aline Pouget is a French artist whose favorite technique is oil on canvas or wood. Aline Pouget has exhibited around the world, New York, Vienna, Paris, Deauville. She has been invited to the Florence Biennales in 2019 and 2021, Barcelona 2019, Mantua 2019, Milan 2021, the Rome Triennial in 2021, the Vatican Chancellery in 2022 as well as the Venice Pro-Biennale 2021 and the Venice Biennale in 2022. She also participated in the UNESCO-sponsored Woman's Essence Show in 2020 in Rome. Aline Pouget has received numerous international awards, the most prestigious of which are the Artist of the Year 2020 for the Best in Art & Creativity in London, the Golden Lion in Venice in 2021, the Oscar for Artistic Creativity in 2021, the Grand Prix de Rome 2021, the Palme d'Or in Monaco in 2022, the Poseidon Prize, High Recognition to personalities from the world of Art, Science and Culture, in Lecce in 2022, the International Caravaggio Prize, Grand Master of Art, Milan 2022 as well as the Top 60 Masters Award in New York in 2022. Aline Pouget's works have been published, among others, in "TOP 10 CONTEMPORARY ARTISTS" in 2019, as well as in "Atlante dell'Arte Contemporanea", in 2022, of the company Start of Rome, book chosen among the most relevant Italian publications, to be present at the Venice Art Biennale, given its high scientific value, thebook will be part of the Historical Fund of the Venice Biennale.

Infini, 2017. Oil on canvas, 81 x 100 cm

Nebuleuse, 2017. Oil on canvas, 81 x 100 cm

Contrastes lumineux dans le cosmos, 2019, Oil on canvas, 54 x 73 cm

Etude d'un coucher de soleil, 2023. Oil on canvas, 60 x 80 cm

Reflets, 2022. Oil on canvas, 81 x 65 cm

Crépuscule, 2020. Oil on wood, 65 x 54 cm.

Tourbillon cosmique, 2020. Oil on canvas, 73 x 92 cm

La mer, 2015. Oil on canvas, 73 x 61 cm.


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Kenjiro Asaki