FAQ - Global Art Virtuoso Award

Copyright Information?

By submitting artworks for the GLOBAL ART VIRTUOSO: ELITE ARTISTIC CAREER ACHIEVEMENT AWARD, you are stipulating to us that you own the copyright to these artworks or have permission from the copyright holder to submit these artworks. 

You are granting Contemporary Art Collectors a non-exclusive license to publish your artworks in the Inaugural Issue of Contemporary Art Collectors Magazine - The Luxury Collection of Contemporary Artistry at 2 pages and post your artwork on social media accounts connected to Contemporary Art Collectors.

Should you, for any reason, wish your artwork to be removed from our website or social media, we will do it immediately.

Please note that third parties, such as educational institutions or individuals, may download and save information and images from our website or any other websites with or without our knowledge.

Contemporary Art Collectors will have no control over such downloading and subsequent use and, therefore, cannot accept responsibility for such use.

When is the deadline to accept the Art Award?

The Deadline to accept the Prize is 5 days from receiving the email.

Is there a selection process? How is the GLOBAL ART VIRTUOSO: ELITE ARTISTIC CAREER ACHIEVEMENT AWARD Awarded?

GLOBAL ART VIRTUOSO: ELITE ARTISTIC CAREER ACHIEVEMENT AWARD using an anonymous jurying process. A distinguished panel of international experts, renowned artists, and thought leaders will meticulously select the most exceptional artists who embody the principles of harmony and humanity. To protect their privacy, this expert decided to remain anonymous. We do not reveal details about the selection process; all information is kept totally confidential.

What are the advantages of receiving GLOBAL ART VIRTUOSO: ELITE ARTISTIC CAREER ACHIEVEMENT AWARD for an artist's professional career?

GLOBAL ART VIRTUOSO: ELITE ARTISTIC CAREER ACHIEVEMENT AWARD helps artists obtain a broader audience for their work and the attention of curators, writers, and collectors, not to mention the general public. Once the Art Prize is added to a CV, it will not be dated - this is an approval stamp that will endure a whole career. Art Prize helps obtain gallery exposure and government sponsorship for various events, including solo shows and collectors' interests. The Art Prize is an impartial vote of trust in a crowded sphere, bringing considerable respect and recognition. In addition to the complete winner package, including everything you could need to celebrate the winning success of the prize, the awarded Artist receives status, recognition, credibility, and international awareness.


Winners will be announced online on the Contemporary Art Collectors website, our private Collectors Club, social media, and our art collectors database in March 2024. ( Date to be confirmed ). We decided not to do a physical event because prices are rising, and it is financially challenging for many artists to attend.

When will the inauguration of the award be?

March 2024. ( Date to be confirmed ).

Will there be a physical event?

We decided not to do a physical event because avoiding a large physical gathering minimizes the environmental impact associated with travel and event logistics, aligning with sustainable and eco-friendly practices. By transitioning to an online announcement, we embrace a contemporary, inclusive, and conscientious method of honoring artistic accomplishments, reflecting our adaptability and dedication to sustainability in an evolving global landscape.

How much is the administration fee?

€ 350 euros

What does the administration fee include?

1. The Awarded Artist will be featured in the upcoming Inaugural Issue of Contemporary Art Collectors Magazine - The Luxury Collection of Contemporary Artistry.

 Double page ( 2 full pages ), includes artist's biography up to 200 words, 2 images and website.

 Printed Magazine will sold worldwide on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Foyles, Blackwell’s, Baker & Taylor, WHSmith, etc.

Printed Magazine be sent to our Private Collectors Club members, art curators, museum directors and gallery owners.
No extra or hidden costs.
Please note a printed copy of the magazine is not included; we will email you a digital copy.


 The awarded Artist will receive a GLOBAL ART VIRTUOSO: ELITE ARTISTIC CAREER ACHIEVEMENT AWARD PDF print-version certificate, celebrating their achievement.

 The Certificate can be used on the personal artist website, social media, etc., to announce that you won the award.


 You can post flyer on your website and social media to share your success with the world.

 4. Newsletter to our Contemporary Art Collectors Private Club members database honoring the awarded artists. 

 5. Social Media Post, reaching audience of:

 Instagram 416K: https://www.instagram.com/contemporaryartcollectors/

 Facebook 47K: https://www.facebook.com/contemporaryartcollector/

6. List of Winners of GLOBAL ART VIRTUOSO: ELITE ARTISTIC CAREER ACHIEVEMENT AWARD will be present on our website.

Payment methods accepted? 

Paypal, credit/debit card and bank transfer.

Artist Feature Layout.

Each featured artist will be allocated a dedicated double-page spread in the magazine for their showcase.
The layout design and content placement will be at the discretion of the magazine editorial team, ensuring a visually appealing and cohesive presentation.
The magazine commits to presenting the artist's work in a manner that enhances its visibility and impact within the allocated space.

Is the payment refundable?

No, the payment is non-refundable.

Are there any extra costs?

Magazine Copy is not included.