Patricia Spoon

My name is Patricia Spoon form Virginia USA , Iam an award winning international abstract and modern artist. I express self individualism through my art, using lines angels and geometric patterns. My creative process is influenced by lines angels and geometric patterns. Colors both bold and soft,are included in the composition of the geometric patterns. Colors set the mood and tone of my paintings.I paint lines angels and geometric patterns to express motion and create a self individualizing composition work of art .Motion is an expressed component of individuality in my art. The interpretation of movement and self individuality is significant in my paintings.I covey self passion for self individuality in my art.My paintings are a harmonious arrangement of lines angels and geometric patterns.I paint to display how lines angels can be used to express self mood tone and individuality. These components are unique in my art. My creative process of interpreting self originality using lines,geometric patterns and angles,is a complete creative assessment. My art is a display,on a canvas,how self individuality is an orchestra.My paintings are a uniqueness of its own using lines angels and geometric patterns as its instruments.


Erin Starr


Carmen Rieger