Maxim Timofeev

I’m a contemporary artist, born in 1988 in USSR, spent my childhood in Ukraine, now a resident of the United Arab Emirates. Graduated art school, after which lost the will to paint for many years. Found myself in the genre of street photography, because always gravitated towards to forms of spontaneous art. That gave me an impetus to return to art and it formed my style. Have come a long way, I have returned to something that brings joy outside of the box, all social dogmas and stereotypes. My work goes beyond binary systems, shifting the focus of attention, as mine once shifted, and now I can’t help but share it. A new look at the outside has changed the perception of the inside, finding forgotten doors to the real self and leading to the question: who am I?

PS: To be honest, I don’t consider myself to be the author of my works, it just comes through me, my way is to express the universe’s will.


Daniel McKinley


Gabriele Pandiani