Matt Higgins b. 1987 is an artist and art professor who lives and works in Philadelphia, Pa.
He maintains a regular studio practice where he paints mostly imaginative landscapes and scenes depicting natural forms and elements from the natural world.
His work is included in numerous private collections and has been included in wide range of interior design projects including residential properties, corporations and hotels.

Could you tell us more about your background and how you began creating art?

I began making art in high school as a result of a really supportive high school teacher. It was just an outlet at first along with skateboarding, playing music, and avoiding doing homework. My original goal was to become a graphic designer but was continuously frustrated with the lack of connection I felt to my work. Eventually, I had to get my hands dirty and really invest myself in the medium of painting. I haven’t looked back since then! 

What does your art aim to say to its viewers?

I think my work stays pretty open-ended to viewers and I shift through various themes in my work. In the end, I want to make an image that is interesting and surprising to myself, when this happens I think it is reciprocated by the viewer. 

Can you tell us about the process of creating your work? What is your daily routine when working?

My process can be a bit chaotic because I am always getting excited by things I see, ideas, or work by other artists. My work has a lot to do with change and doing the best I can to move fluidly through different types of work. I cycle through a few different styles of painting/bodies of work and am not really sure if they have much to do with one another but it keeps me interested. I paint in the third bedroom of our house now so it’s easy to make paintings really anytime I want. The difficulty can be having a sense of separation because I know I can go right into the other room and start painting again. Our 10-month-old son definitely provides a structure to when I can and cannot paint though along with teaching. 

What is the essential element in your art?

I would say design is central to a lot of what I do in my artwork. I teach design so I feel like whenever I am making a painting I am always thinking about design. 

In your opinion, what role does the artist have in society? 

An artist brings life and enlightenment to society, it’s a rest from the hustle of life to sit and look at a work of art and let your mind wander for a bit. I also believe that there is something very special about making paintings, sculptures, and works of art by hand and seeing them in real life. Seeing the human element of in an artwork in our digital world is refreshing and inspiring.


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