Eric Hubbes

Born on February 20th 1988 in London, UK, Eric Hubbes is a German-French artist living in Cologne, Ehrenfeld. He spent his youth in Frankfurt am Main and Cologne. After graduating from high school, he first studied geosciences and mathematics for a few semesters, but his passion for art took over and he went to the Utrecht School of the Arts before deciding to work in an autodidactic fashion. In the course of time, he developed his own personal style in which he combined abstract and figurative painting. Eric is continuously experimenting with acrylics, enriched with other media such as ball pen and charcoal. He creates a game between geometric shapes and writing, which manifest themselves in an attitude to be found throughout his body of work. One recognises not only abstract movement and organic forms but also figures from mathematics, geometrical figures like fractals, squares and triangles, which merge into shapes, giving the artist a feeling of bliss. One could also perceive these as fantastic worlds that emerge from his subconscious. This idea arose primarily from the brooding that everyone tends to do. His main concern is to reflect the questions and ambiguities of our time in his pictures. Intrigued by the psychological side of our subconscious and its impact on our spontaneous actions, he is convinced that there is a collective consciousness to which he himself feels connected.The subconscious is what connects everyone, it's a part of the stream of consciousness that flows beneath the buildings of rational thinking. Assuming there is no coincidence, and all events are subject to a cosmic order, art speaks a language that everyone understands.


Filip Syczynski


Mercedes Grassi King