Dita Jacobovitz

Born in Israel. My father was born in Belgium and my mother in Denmark. I went to the Artists House during my childhood. Married and a mother of three. All These years we have been living in a small village in the north of Israel. Most of my landscape paintings are from my residential area and from north Italy. I use various techniques but mostly oil on canvas, I am laying down colors and shapes as I view them, sometimes the place is the exactly the same spot but the art works are so different. The landscape I observe changes I keep in my memory and spell it out like an archive story. It is like a magnate that keeps me on this endless trail. An Italian curator from one of finest museums in Italy wrote about my work: “The artist works in the field of figurative art favoring the landscape as an ideal expressive form with which to present his poetry. The style is refined and essential, the landscapes are simple and therefore very elegant, recalling the works of the Tuscan Macchiaoli both in the colors and in the treatment of the backgrounds, the details are left out to give space to colors and their nuances. Although the reference to reality is very clear, we must consider these paintings as landscapes of memorial inspired by emotional introspection. Dita Jacobovitz fills the reality of poetry urges us to go beyond opening our hearts without fear and without worries.”



Rebecca Wilkinson


Tatsunori Hosoi