Despina Kyriacou

I mainly work with a large format view camera. I use 5x4 colour transparency film, then get it converted to high resolution digital files. I am interested in physical matter: the elements of nature and it's co-existance with light. By composing tight framing of my subject within nature, I am scrutinising nature's very existence: how weather and light play a significant role in nature's outcome. For example it's erosive surfaces, either sculpted by the ebb and flow of the sea, or weather, and how time changes it's appearance. In my abstracted images, imitations of life can be seen in the form of motifs, that can resemble creatures or elements of humanity as in imitations of life that co-exist with nature. My intention is to bring the spectator closer to nature and the importance to our co-existence with it.


Frances Anderson


Julia Pomeroy